Privacy Statement

Home Privacy Statement


This website is created and managed by Galaxy Capital Limited

Galaxy Capital Limited is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA).

The contents of this website are intended for use only by Professional Clients or Market Counterparties, as defined by the DFSA under its laws and regulations. These are neither intended nor should be relied upon by Retail Clients. It is pertinent to note that the Professional clients may not be granted the protection and compensation rights that may generally be available to Retail Client from DFSA and other jurisdictions.

The material on the website is for information purposes only and not an advisory or recommendation and should not be used for any decision making. Nothing on this site constitutes investment advice, or a solicitation for business or investment. Galaxy Capital Ltd strongly recommends the investors to make independently assessment and approach professional advisor for understanding the relevant risks and consequences of any financial decision.

Privacy Statement

Information provided on this website can be accessible to any third-party, by means of the internet, mobile or otherwise. The communications transmitted through this website are public and not private and the User should not have any expectation of privacy with respect to these communications.

 Under the Data Protection Law, DIFC Law No. 5 of 2020, personal data is defined as:

“any information referring to an identified or Identifiable Natural Person”; data subject is defined as “the identified or identifiable Natural Person to whom Personal Data relates”; and an identifiable natural person means a natural living person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one (1) or more factors specific to his biological, physical, biometric, physiological, mental, genetic, economic, cultural or social identity (and “Identified Natural Person” is interpreted accordingly).

Galaxy Capital will collect and use the User’s personal data for the provision of financial services in Asset Management and other services authorized under its license.

 We will collect information only with the consent of the User or any information that the User voluntarily provides us or received through this website. We need to collect personal data (1) to communicate with potential and/or existing professional clients and/or market counter-parties; (2) to conduct detailed due diligence and KYC in line with the DIFC/DFSA regulatory requirements; (3) for other correspondence purposes and/or provision of our authorized services.

We are committed to ensuring that the collected personal data and other information is appropriate for regulatory and business purposes and does not constitute an invasion of the Users’ privacy.